Lepdestiny operates under License No.38846795 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Turkey for conducting state lotteries Lepdestiny We continue to obtain new licenses in accordance with current legislation, ensuring full compliance with all established legal requirements.
Law "on State Lotteries in Turkey". Article 3
Item 1: All bets must be fully paid before the draw takes place. The sale of lottery tickets on credit or with deferred payment is prohibited, except when using credit/debit cards or checkbooks with authorized payment.
Item 2: The organization and operation of lotteries in Turkey are permitted only for operators who have obtained a license in accordance with the law
Item 3: Players make their own independent decision to participate in the lottery. Forced participation is strictly prohibited. Games where participation is a prerequisite for receiving any material or non-material benefits are also considered unacceptable.
Item 4: Before the draw, all lottery terms and prize fund information are publicly disclosed. The draws are conducted under independent public supervision, and the results are published in open access.
Item 5: All players who place identical bets have equal chances of winning. The prize fund is distributed randomly, eliminating any influence from operators, players, or third parties.
Item 6: Lottery systems are protected against unauthorized access. All ticket and financial transaction data are securely stored, and the systems undergo regular technical inspections.